I can't believe my baby is 21 months today! And that I'm going to have another baby soon!!! We are so excited and blessed to be looking forward to Amelia's arrival and back over the past 21 months of Brooklyn's life. I am humbled just thinking of all the blessings God has poured out on us through Brooklyn and to know they are coming again with Amelia is almost too much. God is SO good!
Brooklyn is a little monkey, that is for sure - her favorite thing to do is climb...on anything! We have had so much fun exploring parks in Birmingham since the fall weather has been upon us...something we are sure to miss this winter. We'll just have to see what we can climb on at the McWane Center! :)
Here's a little about Brooklyn at 21 months...
- you have moved into your big girl room and done very well so far! you are in a twin-toddler bed with rails all around to keep you in!
- you still take a great nap from about 1-3 every day
- you still eat great most of the time. you prefer chicfila or pizza...those are your favorites but you still eat veggies, fruits, and chicken very well, we are thankful for that.
- you love milk and juice - you drink a LOT
- you mostly wear pants and tops due to your climbing adventures
- you talk a lot - you say almost anything I say - like a parrot. its hilarious and keeps us laughing a lot!
- you have started singing and it is so cute! you love rocky top (thanks to me) and you love twinkle twinkle little star, that was your first song to sing. you have also sang happy birthday to....everyone a few times, and Jesus loves me...you are also singing the ABC's and God is so Good which of course warms my heart! :)
- you LOVE your daddy, and talk about him most of the day
- you love Nanny, PaPa, Bebe and Mister and always ask to go to their house...i guess ours is already boring!
- you know where baby sister is, what her name is, and when she's coming to see us (big sister day)
- your favorite toy has been the climber/slide thing Bebe and Mister got you for your b'day and more recently the Noah's Ark set from Nanny and Papa.
- you love Word World, Sesame Street, but mostly Signing Time...you ask for it ALL DAY LONG!
- we have a motto we are working on..."no whining"...when i ask you what our motto is you say that but usually you are whining while you say it :) maybe someday you will understand it!
- you haven't been too fond of Elle lately, its kind of sad, you walk up to her and start crying and tell her to "go" and you talk more about the neighbor's dog...Bo-Bo!
- you were a cute little lady bug on halloween, pics to come
- you love to say, "mommy up please" and i have to keep telling you that i'm too big so then you say, "mommy sit please"...to which i find it hard to say no
- you LOVE school - ms. Leslie is your teacher and you love her, you run into class with no crying and run to me smiling every time i pick you up.
we love you Brooklyn, and we could never attempt to write down all the adorable things you are doing...like right now you are sleeping for like going on three hours...i think that is really really adorable and i wish you would do it every day! :) hehe!