Saturday, June 30, 2012

Em and Mom came to visit

Mom and Em were so sweet to make the trek down to B'ham last week! It is always fun having family in town, even if we do have a tiny tiny house! They were troopers and didn't mind sleeping on the couch and air matress. The kids had a lot of fun and we had fun watching them! Mom took some great pictures below. We did get out of the house but I'm not sure we had enough hands to take pictures! We went to the splash pad in Gardendale and the girls had a great time running through it. Amelia and Sloan were troopers but I wouldn't say they had fun!

Here are some pictures from playing around at our house...

 Amelia was really showing off moving all over the floor!

We established that Sloan and Amelia basically have the same size feet...he's 7 weeks and she's almost 7 months! really we established that they are basically the same size all over!

 Handsome boy!
 Bebe with Sloan and Avie
 Sloan in his cutie frog pjs
Brookie-boo looking suspicious! I love her hair right now, its getting long and full and is so cute!

 Amelia has started pulling that pink pillow down off the top of her crib almost every naptime and in the mornings when she wakes up.
 Brookie and Avie...I think these two are going to be best buds! Look at Avie's smile!
Me and my girls...I don't usually post pictures of myself, mainly b/c I am the one taking most pictures! So, it was nice to have a pic of me and my babies. I'm so thankful for them!

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